Tips & Tricks (Part 2)

Credit to u/FlamboyantBalaclav for making this on our subreddit. Thought it was too good not to pass around!

First off the big one is patience! Getting denied over and over? The survey may be detecting that you are flipping pages too fast and it will deny you. Read questions carefully! You’re much better off doing surveys slowly and not getting denied than trying to speed through 5 of them and only passing 1. Don’t be afraid to set your phone down for a minute mid survey and tend to life then come back to it if you feel like rushing.

Consistency! Your answers must match the answers you gave when you made your profile. Keep the same answers across different surveys and change them in your profile when they change in your life.

Get familiar with survey format. Each survey is different and should be treated as so but you can take advantage of your minds beautiful ability to remember the surveys you have taken previously. A lot of survey makers will put their trick questions in the same spots and they become easy to detect. The more surveys you do the easier they become and the faster you can do them in the future.

Be prepared! I know we all struggle from time to time but thinking ahead can help you keep your cool when doing surveys. Don’t wait until you need that cash out to start taking surveys. Under stress it becomes harder to focus. I’d suggest doing a few surveys in times that aren’t desperate. It’s always nice to have a gift waiting around for yourself.

Choosing when to cash out is important. You can cash out at any point past $5. Don’t feel obligated to cash out every time you reach $5. My cashew will hold your money for you until you need it. I usually try to keep around $4 on the account after I’ve withdrawn to make the next withdrawal easier if I need it.

This is a short one but be aware of burn out. Take breaks and try to multi task. Listen to music or watch videos while taking surveys. Just make sure to pay attention to any videos in the survey.

This thread is an open discussion. Any tips or tricks you guys may have would be appreciated here🤠

Stay safe stay hydrated and let’s make some money.


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