Top 10 Survey Tips

At Cashew, we get asked all the time to provide some survey tips to help boost your conversion rate and money making speed. Without further ado, the top 10 tips we’ve accumulated since we launched:

  1. Cashew users on average qualify for 1 in 4 surveys. Our survey providers might be looking for very specific profiles, so please don’t get discouraged if you don’t qualify. For example, often the survey provider has to ask you a few questions before realizing you haven’t shopped at Walmart in the last month and thus don’t qualify for this survey about Walmart.
  2. Double check your age, gender, and zip code in your profile, as they are the most important qualifications that all survey providers look for. If these are inaccurate, you run the risk of not getting any surveys at all, or immediately being disqualified from all surveys. Also make sure your profile gets updated if you switch careers or get married!
  3. Answer questions as honestly as you can; please don’t fake answers as our survey providers will detect this and potentially ban you or disqualify you. Cashew doesn’t control this process, and there’s an industry blacklist for malicious survey takers and IP addresses. So please be careful and honest!
  4. Don’t forget to enable landscape mode on your phone! Some surveys require it to reach the end and we’d hate for you not to get paid after coming so far.
  5. Don’t do too many surveys per day. You’ll burn yourself out and the daily inventory might be exhausted too quickly and you might get disqualified more often. Everyday, our algorithm selects the highest likelihood surveys to show you first, and if you exhaust too much of that inventory, you’ll eventually reach the lower likelihood surveys that you probably aren’t a great fit for.
  6. Rarely but frustratingly, you might reach the end of a survey only to get disqualified. We know this is super frustrating and Cashew is working with survey providers to reduce the frequency of this occurring. We’re equally frustrated since we only make money when you do!
  7. Survey providers often put quality check questions in their surveys (like simple math, basic logic and instruction following questions, or verifying something in your profile); make sure to read these carefully! We know that they are annoying, and we’re trying to work with survey providers to reduce them, but they will never go away entirely.
  8. Don’t trust any surveys that force you to go outside of the Cashew app to do anything. We noticed a trend where certain surveys have done exactly this and failed to pay anything at the end.
  9. Please double check your cash out username before cashing out. Your cash out is safe with us, but having an invalid username will delay your transaction. We want to make sure you are paid ASAP.
  10. We really appreciate you using Cashew! We’ll do what we can to help you earn money and cash out fast! We’re always open to constructive criticism, so please use the Feedback button in Settings to reach out and let us know how we can improve.


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